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… With UNESWA Foundation.


MBABANE- The University of Eswatini has embarked on a campaign to restore the dignity of the campus.

The campaign, which is in conjunction with the UNESWA Foundation, was launched today at the Hilton Garden Inn, with the aim to uplift the standard and quality of the University’s infrastructure, as well as to raise funds for other development projects in the institution.

Speaking about the campaign, UNESWA Vice-Chancellor Professor Justice Thwala said that it was very important for the University to maintain a high dignity.

“The infrastructure is not in good condition. We have hope that partners of the university, some of which were present here today, will contribute to the rehabilitation costs of the campus,” said Thwala.

He mentioned that the rehablitations will include painting, fixing lecture rooms, as well as procuring instructing and research materials. His sentiments were echoed by Chairperson of the UNESWA Foundation Board, Nozizwe Mulela, who said that UNESWA is a reflection of the nation.

“The campaign forced us to ensure the domestic, regional, and global competitiveness of the Kingdom of Emaswati, through the honing of critical higher-order skills, that not only atrract Foreign Direct Investment, but also sustainable economic development,” said Mulela.

The campaign will also result in the creation of a scholarship fund by the UNESWA Foundation.