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MBABANE – A delegation from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat visited the University of Eswatini on March 7 and 8, 2024 to assess the progress of the SADC-SIPS (Support to Industrialisation and Productive Sectors) grant program.

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The delegation met with project leaders and beneficiaries to learn about the progress and impact of the program.

SIPS Programme Coordinator Barbara Chibambo led the delegation from the SADC to UNESWA. The visit was a major step forward in strengthening cooperation between the organisations and in promoting the use of indigenous knowledge in scientific research.

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The project on the Application of Indigenous Knowledge for Developing and Producing Remedies to Manage HIV/AIDS is a collaborative effort between UNESWA, Harare Institute of Technology, and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. This project aims to develop and produce remedies to manage HIV/AIDS using indigenous knowledge from Eswatini and Zimbabwe.

The Eswatini Institute for Research in Traditional Medicine, Medicinal and Indigenous Food Plants (EIRMIP) is the lead institution within UNESWA for this project. Established in 1998, EIRMIP is a multidisciplinary research institution focused on traditional medicine, medicinal plants, and indigenous food plants.

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A key aspect of the project is a collaboration with traditional healer, Make Gama, who has extensive knowledge and experience in managing HIV/AIDS and its associated opportunistic infections.

The project will build on Gama’s traditional remedy, which has helped many people over the years, to develop a registered complementary medicine product. The intellectual property rights for the remedy remain with Gama, and the University has a collaborative agreement to support its development.

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Ms. Chibambo expressed gratitude to the knowledge holder, Make Gama, for her willingness to share her knowledge with the research team. She acknowledged that this is a significant departure from the traditional secrecy surrounding indigenous knowledge, and expressed hope that the collaboration will benefit the entire SADC region.

Ms. Chibambo emphasized the importance of continuing to engage with all stakeholders to ensure the successful delivery of the project’s objectives.

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UNESWA Vice Chancellor, Professor Justice Thwala, stated that the project’s impact will extend beyond the University, reaching people across the country. He noted that there are currently no registered medicines in the market that are derived from the wealth of traditional knowledge in Eswatini.

The Vice Chancellor emphasiSed that the proposed product, once fully developed and registered, will set a precedent as the first of its kind. In addition to improving the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS, the project will also pave the way for future research and development, contributing to the economy and well-being