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By Banele Magongo

MBABANE – The gift of Education is the most powerful gift that can be given to a child, through generous donations.  

This statement was demonstrated when UNICEF Eswatini donated 156 school bags to the pupils of Maphiveni Primary School. An equal number of school shoes were given to the pupils. This gesture by the UN Agency is aimed at ensuring that pupils from Maphiveni Primary School reach their potential.

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The donation was made through the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office, and represented a commitment to ensuring that every child in the country has access to quality education. In a statement, the UNICEF Representative Amina Mohammed said: “We are pleased to make this donation this year, as the African Union has designated 2024 as the year of education.”

Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Thulisile Dladla, accepted the donation from UNICEF Eswatini for the pupils of the primary school. The school, which was opened on February 5, 2024, provides an education to most vulnerable children, many of whom previously did not have birth certificates. 

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The school has been repurposed from an existing building. The renovation began on the January 10th was collaborative effort between the government of Eswatini and the UN agencies UNICEF and UNFPA. 

UNICEF stands for United Nations Children’s Education Fund and it is responsible for ensuring that every child in all the United Nations (UN) Member States receive the best quality education, among other responsibilities it has.