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MBABANE – On behalf of the United States of America(USA) Antony Blinken the Secretary of State has wished Eswatini well.

On behalf of the United States of America, he congratulated Eswatini on 55 years of independence.

“As you mark this momentous occasion, let us also celebrate the strong friendship between our two nations. We honour our progress on health, climate change adaptation, and addressing a period of unrest,” he said.

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He went on to say that, this collaboration has only strengthened the relationship between the United States and Eswatini as they hope for democratic elections followed by an inclusive national dialogue

“We look forward to continued engagement on both of our country’s core values for years to come. Please accept our congratulations on this anniversary of Eswatini’s independence,” he said.

Meanwhile The Republic of China (Taiwan) said it is proud to have been a proud partner of Eswatini for more than five decades.

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President Tsai Ing-wen, when speaking during the 55/55 Double Celebration held at the Somhlolo National stadium yesterday, said in the five decades, they had been able to improve access to electricity, to the extent that Eswatini was the second most electrified country in Africa, with 83 per cent of its people having access to electricity.

“Even the King during Sibaya 2023 mentioned that with so much electricity, everything was in the light and I am confident of an even brighter future for Eswatini,” she said

The Embassy of the ROC (Taiwan) congratulated their Majesties, the Government and the people of Eswatini on 55 years of Independence. The Embassy also wished the King a happy 55th birthday and toasts to 55 years of a harmonious relationship between Eswatini and Taiwan.