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…Businesses attest to thriving 


MBABANE– Indvuna Ye Lutsango Joyce Vilane, when giving a roundup summary of Buganu Festival 2023, said it was for a lot of business opportunities for women.

She further advised women to use platforms like Buganu Festival to learn more about business ventures, networking and advertising their skills.

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“The festival is not for drinking or imbibing on Marula only but a pure and large platform for women to explore more of their business nature. This year’s festival at Buhleni and Hlane was greatly attended and this meant more customers for whatever business,” she said.

In addition, Vilane said women stood more chance because while technical skill and knowledge are fundamental to career success, CEOs consistently cite soft skills as the most desirable professional attributes. Although characteristics like effective communication, empathy, and self-awareness are difficult to measure, they are highly valued and can make a real difference to the bottom line as women are said to possess these.

Worth noting, over the weekend businesses, were lined up and serving Lutsango and all in attendance during the Buganu Festival at Hlane Royal Residence.

Most stalls were in the business of selling different products such as alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages, fruits and vegetables, food, and clothing, among other things.

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The festival also enjoyed the support of service-based businesses such as the visible Eswatini Mobile and Insta-cash. Proving that business ideas are always

Nomsa Bhembe attributed her positive Hlane business experience to the changes she made to her business strategy to suit the targeted market.

“I was selling clothes at Buhleni because that is my trade but I soon realised that the people who attended the festival are not interested in buying clothes but instead they want food and drinks,” she said.

Bhembe further stated that the discovery urged her to revisit the drawing board to find a winning strategy. “I went home and started thinking about what business I could bring to Hlane that would be profitable. That is how I came up with the idea to roast gizzards on a kebab stick which have been selling like fat cakes,” she said.