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BY LUNGA DLAMINI                                                                                        

MBABANE – The wait is over, as the four day long extension the voter’s role is out.

The voters roll is a process where the EBC publicises the list of people who have registered. The commission took to their twitter account to mention that the validation of the voters register is where registrants inspect the roll to ascertain their inclusion in the register,

The process is meant to make corrections where needed. The inner council of Umphakatsi may check if the registered candidates qualify to vote in that polling division.

According EBC, the Commissioner Sipho Tembe said: “From June 22, 2023 every Swati citizen who registered for voting be it the youth, elderly or the disabled must make sure that they go and check if they were registered correctly at their Umphakatsi where they registered”.

The Commissioner added that the voters roll will last until  July 12, 2023. In an interview with Eswatini Broadcasting Services (EBIS) earlier this month, EBC Communications Officer Mbonisi Bhembe said the delay in the release of the voter’s role was caused by the four day long extension from June 14-18, 2023.

“The first step of the on voters roll exercise is to check if your name appears on the register. According to the constitution of Eswatini, Section 17 of the voter’s registration act of 2013 mentions that one must make claims to the commission by filling in forms that would be made available by the commission,” said Bhembe. Worth mentioning is that the general  elections and voting exercise is set to run up until the end of September 2023.