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MBABANE – Today saw the successful launch of the Vukubone Sound Lab project.

European Union Ambassador Dessislava Choumelova, who formed part of the Programme said it was a great pleasure for her to see the launch.

Vukubone Sound Lab, a project funded by Sound Connects Fund (SCF)-a multifaceted initiative born from the EU-Africa strategic partnership that aims to accelerate development and increase the capacity of the cultural and creative sectors in southern Africa.

The Sounds Connects Fund is made possible with funding from the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) European Union (EU) Culture Programme, a project implemented by the Secretariat of the ACP group of states and funded by the EU.

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The event was graced by fellow local artists from sound engineers, poets, YouTubers and podcasters.

The Ambassador said, as the EU they believe in multilateralism and cooperation for development, we support and empower our partners.

In Eswatini, the EU is the biggest supporter of civil society initiatives, including in the field of culture. The EU motto is “United in Diversity”, which reflects the importance we assign to cultural diversity.

“We work to preserve Europe’s shared cultural heritage and to support and promote the arts and creative industries in Europe and around the world, including southern Africa,” she said.

Sound genius Sizwe Mabuza said he appreciated the strides taken by the Government of Eswatini in ensuring art is preserved.

“It is up to us now, we need to eat up this opportunity and make sure other artists do too,” said Mabuza.