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VUVULANE – The good Samaritans!

Nomads Golf Club Eswatini donated E100 000 to the Vuvulane Orphans and Vulnerable Children’s (OVC) Outreach Foundation (www.vovcof.org).

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Nomads is a group of Swati golfers. The golf club members handed over the replica cheque to the founder and director of JEREMPAUL Khulekani Msweli on Sunday.

When reached for comment, Msweli shared with this publication how grateful he was for the donation from the golfers. He also revealed that the money is specifically for making sure that all of the facilities have solar power and a disability-access toilet.

He said: “Yesterday was truly an incredible day! Our Vuvulane Orphans and Vulnerable Children’s Outreach Foundation (www.vovcof.org) received a E100 000 donation from the Nomads Golf Club of Eswatini.”

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He added that they would install solar power throughout the buildings of the foundation. “The money will be going towards installing solar power throughout all the foundation’s buildings and also building a disability access toilet. We thank the Nomads Golf Club for understanding the importance of sustainable energy in this time of climate crisis and making sure that those living with disabilities are catered for within our facilities. A special shout-out and thank you to Wandile Simelane, of the Nomads, for nominating our organisation. Vuvulane is truly going green and inclusive for all,” shared Msweli.

He concluded by saying that it was by God’s grace that the work that they did in Vuvulane was tremendous and for that, they were humbled. “Thank you to everyone who continues to support us. Visit us to see how lives are being transformed in Vuvulane,” said Msweli.

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