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….. Indian Government also offers to help


BUHLENI– Brazil has assured the Kingdom of Eswatini and its Government that, Brazil is willing to stick by Eswatini’s side.

This was shared during the handover Ceremony of a water project to the tune of over E4 million,this took place at Mayiwane Inkhundla, earlier today.

When delivering this message Pedro A Penha who is the Head of Political Sector in the Embassy of Brazil in Maputo said the two countries share the same priorities.

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He went on to say, Eswatini and Brazil seemed to fight for the same thing which is elevating poverty, feeding school children and providing clean water.

“Even though Brazil is bigger than Eswatini, we definitely share the same fight and my President has sent me to tell you guys about our commitment to stick by Eswatini’s side.

“He said to tell you, we are all the same fight and we will see it to the end,” said Penha.

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He went on to share that they were happy with the completion of the water project and that people have clean water.

The project was funded by the India Brazil South Africa (IBSA) Fund through the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) to a tune of E2 362 500 and co-funded by WaterAid to a tune of E1 651 241 00 making the overall cost to be E4 013 741 00

WaterAid an implementing partner, constructed three solar powered rural water supply systems in Mayiwane Constituency Communities; Mangenge, Moyeni and Masheleleni.

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The theme of the project was ‘Addressing Water, Health and Poverty’ through WASH initiatives for COVID-19 and Climate Change in Eswatini.

When speaking on behalf of his country, His Excellency the High Commissioner of India, Ram Prasad said the community of Mayiwane was lucky.

He went on to say many countries and some parts of Eswatini were still struggling to get clean acess to water.

“Let us be ready, India is ready to assist Eswatini and let us work together to produce clean water for the people. Let us be healthy and work towards producing our own,” said the Commissioner.