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MBABANE– Prime Minister Cleopas Sipho Dlamini has urged his fellow government stakeholders to take accountability for how some things are done in the country.

He said these days there were loopholes in how businesses transact and how service is delivered, in the country.

“At some point, we need to sit down and acknowledge that our way of doing things has led to some businesses taking time in making it out and this usually happens with small businesses.

“Take for example people nowadays do not queue for passports because they know someone they simply send a picture and come later to sign, these are the kind of things I’m talking about,” said the PM.

He was highlighting some of the reasons small businesses were failing in the country and why it took others time to see their profits or success.

The PM said only through the active involvement of the business community, from the biggest companies to the thousands of micro, small and medium enterprises, can a private-sector-driven economic reform be achieved by the country.

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Dessislava Choumelova, European Union (EU) Ambassador said a conducive business environment will boost Eswatini’s capacity to participate in regional and global value chains, which is crucial to achieving inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

Meanwhile, Andrew Le Roux, Business Eswatini President said   Eswatini is a great place to live, work and invest in.

“We need to find more effective ways of getting the message to others. And our competitors, both regionally and continentally, have not been sitting still and keeping quiet. We are all competing for the same global investment, skills and capital and we have to find a way to position Eswatini to become the obvious destination,” he said.

His sentiments were echoed by Tania Fyfe, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the Federation of Eswatini Business Community (FESBC) said they welcome the launch of the SBR. “We have been involved in its establishment since inception. With globalisation and the fourth industrial revolution upon us, FESBC sees this as a conduit towards SMME Sustainable growth in this thriving economy. We see this as an integral component of business growth across the country and beyond our borders,” she said.