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MBABANE– The successful Buganu Festival was made possible by the husbands of the Lutsango Regiment.

This is according to Lutsango Secretary Joyce Vilane, who said the massive attendance would not have been possible if it was not for husbands who permitted their wives to attend the annual festival.

“We very much understand the fact that there are inconveniences when the woman leaves the home- hence we are grateful that they were permitted to attend by their husbands,” said Vilane.


The Lutsango Secretary further said the main aim of the Buganu Festival was to empower women to make multiple streams of income, and not just to keep them entertained.

“It is very important for women to attend the festival so they could be with other women from all walks of life and get to share their gifts and experiences in life,” said Vilane this morning.

The Eswatini Positive News reported that the Buganu Festival was said to be proving to be a unifying factor- according to the Ministers of Labour and Social Security Phila Buthelezi and the Minister of Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs Harries Bulunga. Speaking just before entering the arena at Hlane Royal Residence on Saturday for the second leg of the Buganu Festival, Buthelezi lauded the big numbers saying it went on to show that emaSwati had not lost its identity as a nation.