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MBABANE –The Southern African Network of Prison Eswatini Chairperson, Justice Mthethwa said they are open to welcome and supports ex-inmates.

This was said during a Crime Prevention and Awareness campaign that was held at the Malindza community yesterday by the partners of Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation in Eswatini. The partners include the Royal Eswatini Police Services, His Majesty’s Correctional Services, SANOP – Eswatini (Rehabilitated Ex – Ex-Convicts), Malindza Community Elders, Prison Fellowship Eswatini, Chosen Generation Movement, Teen Challenge – Potter’s Wheel Church, Apostolic Prophetic Word Revival Centre.

Mthethwa said organisations affiliated with SANOP-Eswatini in all regions are open to welcoming ex-inmates and act as a support system. “The church should rise and take its position in being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in welcoming and assisting those who have been referred to their care after being released from prison”, he said.

He quoted a verse from Philemon 1: 10-12 which reads; ‘I appeal to you for my child, Onesimus, whose father I became in my imprisonment. Formerly he was useless to you but now he is indeed useful to and to me. I am sending him back to you, sending my very heart.

He referred to Onesimus as an ex-offender reintegrating back into society.

Khazi Mkhwanazi from SANOP (ESWAREO) asked the Government to strengthen the programmes to assist ex–offenders in starting- up businesses. “I was found guilty in two murder cases, after my transformation and release from prison, I had to face the after-prison life struggles”, he said.

The Commissioner General Representative, Majahonkhe Nhlengetfwa said the community should welcome ex-convicts since the department has done its role of equipping them with life skills and facilitating Victim Offender Mediation (VOM). Malindza Community Elders (Tsabedze) applauded the partners for the eye-opening activity and for training them on how to handle ex-inmates and potential offenders in the community, especially with stigma issues.