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Climate change Featured on slider News

… Members of the public speak their mind on climate change, natural disasters


MBABANE– Unpredictable weather patterns! Heat and heavy rains! Global warming! Famines!

The above words best sum up what the general public think of when the topic of climate change is brought up.

Without having to be specific or ‘classroom informed’ on the subject, some members of the public expressed what they thought of with regards to climate change.

Since last year’s United Nations Framework Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC), Eswatini Government and stakeholders have been up in arms, talking climate action- especially after the devastating effects of El Nino and Cyclone Eloise.

Also, climate change has become the talk of town- regardless of the information or ‘misinformation’ the public is exposed to.

EmaSwati are feeling the effects of climate change and they are increasingly becoming curious of topic.

This Eswatini Positive News (EPN) reporter took the opportunity to interview the public on their thoughts on the concept of climate change and what it meant to them. The members of the public, who are not specialists in the field, also elaborated on how their version of ‘climate change’ affected the daily life through their experiences.

Worth noting is that their assertions are not held as fact.

According to the United Nations, Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle. But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.

Here is what the public had to say (verbatim):

Bonginkosi Nkambule

Bonginkosi Nkambule edited

When I think or here climate change, here is what comes to mind- it’s something I know I should care about but I really don’t. Most of the information on climate change is buttressed on fear. And I’m not one to preoccupy myself with fear. I would rather be invited into a community that’s making a meaningful change

There’s a donga right below my homestead that seems to be closing in- it has reached the fence. In the 1990s and 2000s we were big on farming at home (Motshane). The produce was bountiful. In recent years, birds started swooping in and devouring the produce before it grew and could be sent to market

Jumbo Khumalo

Jumbo Khumalo edited

When I think about climate change I think about our negligence as humankind towards mother earth, specifically air pollution that results to the damage of ozone layer. The more the ozone layer gets damaged, the weaker it becomes to naturally regulate the climate. This then cause floods, and all the other natural disasters. I have been affected by the recent floods. They flowed inside my room and they were so fierce I couldn’t stop them until the rain ceased

Gavin Udal

Gavin Udal edited

For me, climate change is just shown by the unusual weather patterns. I run a Safari so the change in flora, alien plants, is a most evident for me.

Yuki Masina

Yuki Masina 1 edited

The weather patterns are now very unnatural- it does tell that something is happening to the universe. I am experiencing this climate change through the never-ending stopped floods.

Palesa Mdluli

Palesa Mdluli edited

In my know the current state and  drastic changes of ecosystems brought about by the shifts in the  temperatures and weather patterns more so coerced by human interaction.

I think everyone has experienced climate change effects from floods to heat waves, economic losses, increased health risks etc. Neighbouring countries recently experienced of the cyclone Freddie which affects business mobility of us dependent on these countries for trade/stock/imports.

Mawuena Geyevu

Mawuena edited

With Climate Change, I think of a subject area that needs to be taken more seriously and not just in paper. Countries that are big polluters need to be more accountable to global warming. If climate change has the ability to affect the economy, environment, ecology as a whole then it needs be of paramount importance.

Yes, I am experiencing climate change every other day- from the floods and rising sea levels in Durban

Kagiso KG Tsabedze

Kagiso KG Tsabedze edited

To me, climate change is simply global warming.

Nomvuyo Mabila

Nomvuyo Mabila edited

For me, when I think of climate change I think the changing of temperatures. It may be natural but in most cases, it is caused by us trying to develop that particular area yet we are damaging it. We need to limit burning of fossil fuel and cutting down of trees. Some years back, I remember there was no rainfall in summer and winter and we couldn’t plough- those who attempted to plough their crops could not grow. It was just terrible and everyone could see that the country was heading to starvation.