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MALKERNS – The thousands of fun-lovers who attended the Standard Bank Luju Food and Lifestyle festival over the weekend had a rare opportunity of getting free treatment and medication courtesy of Women and Children Hospital (WCH).

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This initiative, which has received a heap of praise from eventgoers, has rekindled hope that such festivals can be life-changing. Over 7000 people were reached.

This publication has gathered that hundreds of fun-lovers got assisted and treated by professional doctors and health workers that were deployed by WCH at the festival.

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In fact, one of the fun-lovers who got assisted after her child got sick while at the venue thanked the event organizers for bringing in the ‘hospital’ because her child got saved by using the best medical assistance on time.

Bongani Ngwenya, WCH Executive Committee Member, said they were honored to have been the medical partner for one of the biggest festivals in Eswatini.

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“Every day, our focus as a facility is to provide quality, affordable healthcare to all our clients,” he said.

He continued: “We are also cognizant that our role as a healthcare facility does not only extend to paying clients. We are determined as a facility to improve the quality of life of all Emaswati, by creating in-roads for our nation and its people to have access to quality healthcare. That is why we are excited about partnering with other visionary organizations such as House on Fire, which assists us to create opportunities for Emaswati from all walks of life, to access healthcare services for free, wherever possible,”

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Ngwenya, who recently featured as a clinician on EPN Podcast episode three, further explained that WCH is not only focused on profit, it is also focused on people.

“As a result, you will be seeing our organization getting involved in more of these initiatives, doing our part one event at a time, touching and improving as many lives as possible. May we take this opportunity to appeal to businesses all over the country, to partner with us to improve the quality of life of Emaswati,” he said.

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What happened during the Luju Food and Lifestyle Festival


Standard Bank Luju Food and Lifestyle Festival gave emaSwati a chance to shine in the Fashion department. From perfectly sewn outfits to insanely beat faces, everyone pulled out the stops for the 2023 Luju Festival. Naturally, the Standard Bank Luju Food & Lifestyle Festival is a family-friendly feast of culinary exploits, high-end fashion, and Afro-centric music, celebrating the sophistication and elegance of African heritage.

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Young Standard Bank Artist Award winners from across the region were featured once again, the festival promoting food, fashion, and music.

Celebrating the transformative power of Fashion! The African Fashion Renaissance started with introspection. Craft mastery and sustainable materials became mediums for the reclaiming of ancestral stories.