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MBABANE – Persons living with disabilities and women are seemingly coming for everything.

This was ascertained during the ongoing Certification programme for Women Empowerment in Clean Energy facilitated by the Centre for Sustainable Energy Research UNDP Eswatini and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy.

Over 50 women living with disabilities and able-bodied have gathered at Sibane Sami Hotel to train on how to start their business.

The Women took time to share their business ideas that revolve around renewable energy.

“We want to be the first disabled women to show other women that it is always possible. Our business will be a benchmark for other businesses and women,” Simile Lukhele.

Their business idea is that of solar chargers, other business ideas include mobile maize trucks, torch lights and food mobiles among others.

Meanwhile, Thembinkosi Ndzimandze from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy said, they greatly appreciate the UNDP for funding this training which compliments other Government’s gender-responsive programmes headed by the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office in collaboration with different stakeholders including the Ministry.

“This work is a direct complement to the Ministry’s efforts to see gender mainstreamed in the energy sector’s activities.

The Ministry’s gender mainstreaming initiative is informed by the National Energy Policy of 2018 in recognition of the prevailing under-representation of women in the energy sector,” said Ndzimandze.

He further said that training falls under the sector of Women’s economic empowerment, through capacity building to develop new businesses or technical skills for women energy entrepreneurs to join renewable energy markets; boosting support to women-led energy associations and networks; and/or stimulating demand for existing or emerging women-led or gender-responsive products and services.