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By Sikhulile Dlamini

MAGUBHELENI – Microprojects Director Sibusiso Mbingo has raised his concern on the fact that women were seen to be more active than men in the construction of Lelibanti Footbridge in Magubheleni, Mashobeni South, under Gege Constituency.

Mbingo said this during the handover event of the Lelibanti Footbridge at Gege Constituency (Inkhundla) on Friday (May 17, 2024). The director urged communities to unite and support development, without associating it with gender.

He was applauding the Inkhundla for taking part in building projects that were for them. However, he expressed his disappointment upon learning that women were the ones coming more often to the site, compared to the men, yet the development is all-inclusive.

“We are to make sure that in development, both men and women participate, because as it is now it demonstrates that the children affected belong only to the women and not the men, we need to rectify that as men,” Mbingo said.

On another note, Mbingo emphasized that Microprojects is supported by the government through the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development, hence Microprojects is allocated certain amount to assists the development in communities.

“We are sent by Tinkhundla system to encourage communities to unite and seek assistance from government funds such as the Regional Development Fund (RDF) which has about E2 Million every year for each Inkhundla,” Mbingo added.

He further said that no Inkhundla should be left behind when it comes to developing, but rather should use their elected members of parliament to approach the government fund after contributing their 10 percent.