Dr Moetapele Letshwenyo handing over the vaccines to the Minister for Agriculture Hon. Jabulani C. Mabuza 1


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MBABANE – The farmers in the country can relax any fears about rabies as the Ministry of Agriculture continues to make sure they have what they need. The Ministry received 50,000 doses of rabies vaccinations from the World Animal Health Organisation (WHOA).

Speaking during the handover, WHOA representative Dr Moetapele Letshwenyo said ” it is pleasing to note that the Kingdom of eSwatini has, for decades, vaccinated dogs and cats annually against rabies, and that consequently, the country has a manageable prevalence of the disease in humans and animals. We further encourage the country to apply for endorsement of its Rabies Control Programme by WOAH, as this will motivate it towards achievement of freedom from dog-mediated rabies by 2030, and possible also attract donors”.
He added that this is because in 2015, the international community unanimously agreed to eradicate dog-mediated rabies by the year 2030.

A section of the attendants1
A section of attendants at the handover event

In addition to the vaccines, WOAH will provide technical support in the form of training the vaccinators on modern data capture methods using digital devices, for ease of visualising, analysing and reporting their activities on rabies.

Accepting the vaccines, the Minister for Agriculture, Hon. Jabulani C. Mabuza emphasized that “Eswatini is committed to the global drive to achieve zero human rabies cases by the year 2030 and these doses couldn’t have come at a better time than now”.

Minister Mabuza also revealed that the country’s policy on rabies has been in place and evolving since 1933, and that includes mass vaccinations in September, as well as tie-up order in case of an outbreak. “Consistency in this regard creates solid awareness and forms a positive habit in the dog owner’s minds such that when September comes, the public demand that Government vaccinate their dogs,” added the Minister.

“The 50,000 doses will really go a long way. In fact, this is 50% of the estimated annual demand for rabies vaccines,” revealed the Minister.

“I confirm our earlier undertaking to implement, at our own expense, the vaccination campaign within one year of delivery of the vaccines. We will also make an effort to provide visibility to Germany and the World Organisation for Animal Health during vaccination campaigns”, remarked Minister Mabuza as part of his concluding statement.