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MBABANE– Allies through thick and thin!

The Government of Eswatini is continuously proving its commitment to the Republic of China (Taiwan). Eswatini has done this by supporting the involvement of Taiwan in United Nations summits.

Recently, Eswatini has also supported the involvement of Taiwan at the World Health Assembly, where the country (Taiwan), has been denied attendance- like in many other UN summits including the United Nations General Assembly.

International media houses have been reporting on the outcry as World Health Assembly locked out Taiwan under pressure from China, criticizing it for an ‘unfair and unjust’ decision to deny observer status despite support from United States, United Kingdom, France and other countries

According to The Guardian, the World Health Assembly has again rejected Taiwan’s request to join its annual gathering amid routine objections from China and despite strong support from a coalition of countries including the US, UK, France and Australia.

“The assembly – the forum through which the World Health Organization is governed – on Monday decided not to extend an invitation for Taiwan to attend the May 21 to May 30 event in Geneva as an observer. China and Pakistan spoke against the bid, while the Marshall Islands, Belize, Nauru and Eswatini – four of Taiwan’s 13 formal diplomatic allies – spoke in support,” reported The Guardian.

Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said its participation in the WHA was a matter of global public health.

“Politics should not be allowed to take precedence over professionalism. It is not only unfair and unjust to shut Taiwan out due to Chinese political pressure, but also poses a serious threat to global health,” said the Ministry.

The Ministry further thanked its allies for their continued support. “23 million people continue to suffer from unjust treatment by the World Health Organization. We take solace in the clear-eyed statements by Belize, Nauru, Eswatini and the Marshall Islands. Their words tell the world that Taiwan can help,” said the Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.