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MBABANE – World Vision yesterday donated E600 000 to the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The donation, according to information from the Ministry’s Facebook page, was received by Acting Minister for Home Affairs Jane Mkhonta-Simelane. The donation focuses on supporting the Department of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics’ strategic intent for newborns, specifically the “closing of the tap” initiative.

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The contribution from World Vision comprises a fully furnished mobile offices, three computers, three printers, six laptops, and furniture including tables and chairs.

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During her address, Minister Mkhonta-Simelane emphasised the utmost importance of birth registration and expressed her gratitude for the substantial support from World Vision. She highlighted how this donation will significantly contribute to the Department’s strategic intent for newborns and reinforce the objectives of the “closing of the tap” initiative.

The “closing of the tap” initiative aims to achieve comprehensive birth registration by registering all newborns at the point of birth, particularly in health facilities. The goal is to capture 85 percent of births occurring in health facilities, thereby ensuring an efficient and comprehensive registration system.

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Thanks to the World Vision donation, two hospitals, namely Mbabane Government Hospital and RFM, already have fully functional registration offices. The Ministry of Home Affairs will now be able to establish three additional health-based registration offices at Mankayane, Hlathikhulu, and Sithobelweni hospitals. This support will bring the total number of hospitals with fully functional registration offices to five, significantly enhancing birth registration procedures in the country.

The Minister of Home Affairs extended deepest appreciation to World Vision for their invaluable contribution and partnership in advancing the crucial cause of birth registration.

Minister Mkhonta-Simelane assured that these resources woukd be utilised effectively to facilitate the “closing of the tap” initiative, ensuring that every newborn in the country was registered promptly, accurately, and comprehensively.

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The donation from World Vision represents a significant step forward in the Ministry’s efforts to establish a robust birth registration system. The support received will undoubtedly have a positive and lasting impact on the lives of newborns and their families, ensuring their legal recognition and access to essential services.

As the Ministry moves forward with its mission to achieve comprehensive birth registration, the collaboration between the Government and organisations like World Vision will continue to play a critical role in realising this important objective.