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MBABANE – Through the Mahlangatsha Area Programme Office, World Vision Eswatini is ensuring that over 50 children for Mgofolweni Bees Association (MBA) members have enough food.

This association consists of 18 members who believe the notion that background does not have to define what one will become. A post made on World Vision’s Facebook page stated that the support from World Vision eSwatini’s Mahlangatsha Area Programme Office brought about a turnaround in their lives.

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A member of the association, Sipho Ngwenya attested to the statement above saying that they would hardly make any profits as an association. “We have been trying to do this beekeeping business since 2018, barely making enough money to survive as an association, worse, providing for our families”, he said.

He added that their then Bucopho, Nkosinathi Vilakati linked them with the office and they stepped in and made a huge impact in the association.

“They donated beekeeping equipment which included 110 beehives with supers and two sets of protective clothing for beekeepers. Each person in the Association owns a total of five boxes”, said Ngwenya.

Ngwenya stated that before the donation they would have low yields caused by ineffective working equipment.

“I used to harvest the honey using my old boxes and I would make E1 500, whilst now, I make E5 000”, he explained.

“World Vision also linked us with markets, we are now suppliers for Pick’n’Pay Eswatini and Bulembu Honey. We also get support from locals and our dream came true”, he continued to explain.

Ngwenya disclosed that the intervention of World Vision has not only improved the association but also their personal lives and those of their families.

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“My children have enough food, enough clothing, enough everything. You will never find my children wearing torn shoes, I can provide enough basic needs, the father of two explains.

Mahlangatsha Area Programme Development Facilitator, Zandile Matsebula, stated that World Vision is always happy to help and train people whose efforts are based on creating change in communities and lives.

“Through our Livelihood Technical Programme, we assisted this Association we observed the potential the business has because the environment at Mgofolweni is friendly for such a business. We built capacity and helped them produce their produce at a large scale”, she said.