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MBABANE – World Vision Eswatini celebrates the International Day of the Girl Child today.

In celebration of the International Day of the Girl Child, 2022, World Vision has shared the story of a young girl, Setsabile Myeni, who has weathered challenges that have come her way and paved her journey to becoming one of the Kingdom of Eswatini’s top students in the Eswatini General Certificate for Secondary Education (EGCSE) Examinations of 2021/22.

Myeni shared her testimony through the World Vision Eswatini online platforms (YouTube) where she expressed so much gratitude to the organisation for all the work they have done helping underprivileged children like her. She shared that the Non-Governmental Organisation provided her with school uniform as she could not afford to get it herself.

When recalling the times when she experienced hardships due to being underprivileged, which affected her self-esteem as well, she got emotional as these were difficult moments in her life.

“In 2013 when I was in Grade 4, my school tunic had faded and it was torn. I had very low self-esteem back then, but World Vision intervened and provided me with a new tunic. This was a kind gesture that I’ll forever be grateful for and I’m very appreciative of it.

“I fail to even imagine how our lives would have turned out if World Vision had not sponsored us. Through the sponsorship, World Vision has brought hope to the hopeless and we have been given assurance that our needs are well catered for,” said Myeni.

The young girl went on to reveal her excitement upon receiving her EGCSE Examination results and mentioned that she would be going to further her studies at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa, doing her Bachelor of Medicine in Surgery the following year.

As World Vision Eswatini commemorates the International Day of the Girl Child with the rest of the world, they are determined to continue assisting vulnerable children to live life in its fullness through helping them overcome poverty and grow strong in communities free of need and full of promise. This has been stated in their vision statement.