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MBABANE – Get ready to be on the next DVD recording of Wyclef Sim on May 11, 2024 at the Metropolitan Evangelical Church in Manzini.

Entry is free. When reached for comment, the founder and CEO of The Response Foundation, Wyclef Sim, born Wyclif Simelane, said: “We have been assigned by God to reach out and touch lives through the Gospel of Jesus Christ by packaging it in song.”

Simelane said The Response Foundation is an organisation with a mandate to take the total gospel of Jesus Christ to meet the total needs of the total man God has created. “For what use is it to meet only the spiritual needs of man and be careless about their welfare on earth? That is equivalent to being heavenly useful and earthly useless, and that is not the total gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in Matthew 25:35–40, where Jesus says, When I was hungry, you fed me; when I was thirsty, you gave me and drank; when I was in prison, you visited; for you will ask, Lord, when did we do all these to you? And I will answer what you do to the least of my brethren; you are doing it to me,” Wyclef Sim said.

According to the CEO, God has therefore put it in their hearts to respond to the needs of humanity, and they used the Response Foundation as a vehicle to do that.

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The first major event for The Response Foundation will be a live DVD recording for the founder and CEO. Simelane shared that the desire is to reach out to as many lives as possible. The general public is therefore invited to attend this event in their numbers, as it is free.

The foundation is welcoming donations from the public through partnership packages in three categories. Partnership category one is platinum, which is E1000.00; second is gold, E500.00. Thirdly, its silver (E250.00). All partnership categories come with a special seating arrangement at the event and some branded items from the Response Foundation.

The CEO shared with this publication that as they build up to the event, the foundation will be moving from one community to another, preaching the gospel and winning souls for the Kingdom, such that the night of the event is viewed as a night of celebration for the harvest of souls that would have been won on the build up to the event.

It is worth mentioning that the project coordinator for the live DVD recording project, Nelton Mondlane, shared that on the day of the event, they will have an exciting line-up of acts accompanying Wyclef Sim, who are well established and well known within the Gospel music industry locally in South Africa. He went on to encourage people to attend without fail the much-awaited event and also urged companies, individuals, churches, and organisations to mention a few in the partnership through the purchase of partnership packages ranging from platinum to silver.