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MBABANE – The Mandela Washington Fellowship which will send up to 700 young leaders to the United States in the summer of 2024 for a comprehensive executive-style program is closing its applications today.

However, worry not as The Chevening Scholarships Programme opens its applications today.

Both programmes are different but are designed to build skills and empower Fellows to lead in their respective sectors and communities.

The Mandela Washington Fellowship is designed to participate in a six-week Leadership Institute at a U.S. college or university to share your experiences with and learn from U.S. citizens and other Fellows.

“Explore industries beyond your daily work and expand your expertise. Participate in a Summit with young African leaders.
Meet with U.S. Government, civic, and business leaders.
Strengthen your work through new connections, skills, and ideas. Join a continental and global Alumni Network to help you seek innovative solutions to common challenges.
Apply now! [The Fellowship] has been a life-changing experience for me. As a result of the Fellowship, I have built very strong networks with Africans and Americans. I have renewed confidence and determination to contribute to my community.” reads a testimony from almunis.

According to the Mandela Washington Fellowship website, The Mandela Washington Fellowship selection process is a merit-based open competition.

After the deadline, independent readers will review all eligible applications. Following this review, chosen semi-finalists will be interviewed by the U.S. embassies or consulates in their home countries. Selected semi-finalists will be required to participate in these in-person interviews in their home country within Africa.

“If advanced to the semi-finalist round, applicants must provide a copy of their international passport (if available) or other government-issued photo identification at the time of the interview. Selected Finalists are required to attend the mandatory Pre-Fellowship Orientation in their home country within Africa,” reads the website in part.

Applicants will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, colour, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The Mandela Washington Fellowship is open to young African leaders who meet the following criteria:

Selection of finalists from all eligible countries may be subject to review in response to local, national, or global events that impact the ability to conduct program activities.

The U.S. Department of State and IREX reserve the right to verify all information included in the application. In the event of a discrepancy, or if the information is found to be false, the application will immediately be declared invalid and the applicant ineligible.

Meanwhile the Chevening Scholarships Programme commenced in 1983 as the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Awards Scheme (FCOAS) and is funded by the British government’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office and its partner organisations.

The stated objective of the scheme is to build a network of friends of the UK, who will be future leaders in their countries. In 1994, the name of the scheme was changed to Chevening, after Chevening House in Sevenoaks, Kent – currently the joint official residence of the British Foreign Secretary and the British Deputy Prime Minister.

A companion Chevening Fellowships Scheme was launched by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 2004. The Fellowships programme provides places for mid-career professionals already in positions of leadership and influence to undertake 3-month courses in fields related to the FCDO’s policy goals.

All Chevening applications must be submitted through their online application system (OAS). This system will be used throughout the application and selection process, and you may be asked to log back in at various points during the process to receive updates on your application status, or to submit documents.

They have collated tips and advice for you when using the online application system, which include where possible, use the Google Chrome web browser, as this is recommended for the best experience. They recommend using a laptop or PC, rather than a mobile or tablet.