MANZINI– Ladies dust yourself and get ready for the Diamond meet up.
The Youth Alive Organization is a non-profit known for empowering and offering mentorship skills to at-risk youth leaders and it will be hosting an event on empowering women to succeed. Their slogan is, ‘Empowered to empower others. When diamonds support each other, incredible things happen’. Young ladies are invited to this 3rd edition which is an annual empowerment event and girls get to be equipped with leadership skills, business, career advancement, health care and provide opportunities for them through networking and mentorship. This event will be held 10 November at SNAT centre in Manzini.
When Diamond Ms Hlobsile Dlamini in 2020 meet-up was asked whether young women should be in leadership, she said it is wiser to accept and embrace yourself the way you are, love all your flaws and be comfortable with them, then it will be easy to appreciate the next person even when they outstand you in any sector. She further explained that the thing about female leaders, being all bossy and abusive leaders has been captured and nurtured at early childhood stage of a girl child. It is the confinement of their homes where everything is a competition, always compared with their siblings and the child from next door. Unlike boys, they are allowed to just leave and go socialize with their peers and play soccer together, gaining the skills and knowledge on the basis of team work.
Dlamini said that is where Youth Alive Diamond Meet-Up come in, to take the position to enlighten the girls to be leaders of tomorrow.
‘As ladies, we should understand that it is okay to fail. There is always something that the next person will do better than you but that doesn’t mean you are a failure, you should stand out as a leader and be accountable for anything under your watch’ said Dlamini.
The mentorship this year aim to enhance girls and young women’s confidence by teaching them personal responsibility, negotiation and help them create opportunities. Women across the country are called to attend this event as it will be for their betterment. For more information, contact the director and Founder, Paul Nkhambule on 76725179/ 79725179.