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BHUNYA– “No matter what people say or do, never give up or lose hope in yourself”

These words were shared by Mthobisi Sisekelo Shabangu, a 20-year-old man who is an artist in Eswatini at Bhunya under LaMgabhi Inkhundla. He shares with this publication about his journey in the art industry. Shabangu highlighted that his discovery of his talent was rather different from what people says but his talent was inspired by another young man who was doing grade 5 whilst he was doing grade 3 at Ekuthuleni A.E.C Primary. This young man was very fond of drawing in his classroom during recess period. That is where the talent was inspired. According to him, art is one special thing that connects him with different people and make a bond with them through the paintings.

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During an interview with this reporter, Shabangu said that his business is yet to be written in the billboards for major countries in the world. He added that ever since he discovered his capabilities, he has worked hard as he enjoys everything that comes with artifice. Whenever he starts raising the paint brush, the tranquillity rushes through his heads and the magic happens.

“I can never fully explain the feeling I get whenever I draw but it has been fascinating and the chirping sound of the birds just gushes into my head and everything gets to order. Mostly people consider me as an introvert because of the talent in me and that is why I see myself owning an art gallery that would inspire my peers and give artists the recognition in the kingdom. The art industry does need an anchor and as young as I am, I am ready to serve the people” said Shabangu.

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When asked the challenges he face in this industry, he mentioned that due to less recognition of artists in the country, business is struggling to get rooted. He claims that a majority of people do not understand the purpose and nature behind art as they assume that it is a waste of time, business is taking one step at a time.

“There are people who supports my kind of work, they trust me with their portraits despite some challenges I usually face with clients” added Shabangu.

He urged the youth that they should keep pushing for the best, never give up and they should know their talents. “I finished my last high school grade last year. Unfortunately, I didn’t do well in English but this year I am upgrading it because I fully understand that we do not give up” he said.