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…Residents express appreciation


MBABANE– The days where the Logoba bus stop was an eyesore due to pollution are coming to an end.

Today, the youth from New Village have taken action to save the environment by joining in a clean-up campaign for the area hosted by Eswatini Environment Authority (EEA).

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EEA Environmental Information Officer Belusile Mhlanga appealed to all emaSwati to take responsibility for their actions.

“We appeal to everyone to take responsibility for their action. Managing your waste in an environmentally sound manner is important for both human health and the environment. Dirty places are linked to rodents, vermin, high crime rates, and so much more ills,” she said.

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“We are the ones who live in this area and we are the people who will be affected by the trash accumulating here. I feel we must do all we can to take care of our environment and our health. I would like to encourage people to use trash cans for disposing of their waste and always try to ensure that the environment is kept clean,” said a youth participant.

According to toppr.com the first and foremost importance of cleanliness is that it means the absence of diseases. It further lessens the chances of viruses and diseases spreading. Water and air quality is improved if the environment is clean, biodiversity is increased as well as a reduction in greenhouse gases (GHG).