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…Urges who participation at the WHA


MBABANE– The world will know Eswatini’s success in the fight against HIV/AIDS!

At the 76th World Health Assembly at Geneva in Switzerland, Eswatini’s Minister of Health Lizzie Nkosi highlighted Eswatini’s success with regards to fighting the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the country.

Opening her remarks, the Honourable Minister said the Kingdom of Eswatini congratulates the World Health Organisation Secretariat for 75 years of successful existence and promoting better health for all, saying the Triple Billion Initiative within WHO’s 13th General Programme of Work was an ambitious but important approach to ensuring countries achieve Universal Health Coverage, Epidemic preparedness, and better health for all.

“Our recent achievements in HIV have contributed to increased life expectancy from 42 years in 2001 to 60 years in 2020. Eswatini completed the third consecutive Population-based HIV Impact Assessment, which showed a further reduction in HIV incidence from 1.4 per cent in 2016 to 0.6 per cent in 2021.

“Aligned with the WHO goal of Cervical Cancer Elimination by 2030, Eswatini is ready to introduce the HPV vaccination campaign targeting girls aged 9-14 years and focusing on 9-year-olds routinely.    Going forward towards 2030 for full HIV epidemic control, we must focus on identified gaps particularly on adolescent girls and young women,” said the Minister.

Nkosi further explained that Eswatini supported the INB process and the amendment of the IHR, 2005, saying in 2018, the first Joint External Evaluation of IHR core capacities supported by the WHO identified gaps that were pivotal in strengthening our health systems.

“In addressing these gaps, Eswatini successfully managed the COVID-19 response, thanks to our Frontline workers, and support from WHO, Taiwan and other partners, which has set a foundation for strengthening of our Public Health Emergency Management System. 

“COVID-19 response provided an opportunity for the country to increase its oxygen capacity through the establishment of oxygen generation plants. With support of Taiwan, we are now manufacturing medical masks, and supply other countries.”

She further said as part of a multi-sectoral approach to strengthen the One Health Approach, Eswatini established Anti-Microbial Resistance activities since 2020. 

“Laboratories in the human and animal health sectors are capacitated to conduct bacteriological tests, and prescribers are being sensitized to improve their prescribing practices. Eswatini is now enrolled in the WHO GLASS reporting system and is better positioned to contribute to the global fight against AMR.

“The Kingdom of Eswatini continues to urge WHO to invite Taiwan to the WHA as an observer, and include Taiwan in all WHO meetings, mechanisms, and activities, based on the WHO princely of leaving no one behind. Taiwan can help, and is willing to share its expertise to improve global health.”