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LOBAMBA – According to Clerk to Parliament, Benedict Xaba, every LiSwati can be a senator. 

Xaba noted this today when speaking to the media about the Senator nominations which will be happening today in the 12th Parliament’s second sitting. 

Xaba briefed the newly elected MP’s this morning on how the process will work, as it is significantly different from the process of electing Speaker and Deputy Speaker, which the MP’s have already done. 

“We were briefing the MP’s on how the nominations work, what constitutes a valid ballot, and what particulars the nominees will have to prepare when they come to campaign for the elections. For example, they need to sign and also bring their proof of their physical addresses, as well as their ID’s,” said the Clerk to Parliament.  

“Following the nominations,  we will capture photographs of the nominees and prepare the ballot papers,” added Xaba. 

He noted that all the nominees will undergo a vetting process before they can be entered into the ballot papers. He revealed that this vetting is conducted with the help of the security forces, as well as the Eswatini Revenue Services among others. 

He added that another criteria for entering the elections was that a candidate should not have participated and lost in the recent National General Elections.  He also added that nominees have to be registered for general elections. 

“Everyone qualifies, women and everyone who is outside of parliament qualifies to be elected as a senator,” said Xaba. 

“We are grateful to see everyone in high spirits today,” added the Clerk to Parliament. 

He further revealed that the elections of the 10 senators will be complete by Thursday, October 12.