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EZULWINI – Internet connection has been declared as a human right and a necessity for economic growth.

This was said by Thembinkosi Dlamini, the Executive Director of the Coordinating Assembly of NGOs (CANGO) during the MTN Eswatini ‘Doing 4U’ launch event on Wednesday at MTN auditorium Ezulwini.

Dlamini highlighted the importance of reliable internet access in facilitating communication and collaboration among CANGO’s staff who are dispersed across the country.

With approximately 1 000 employees working in remote areas, Dlamini acknowledged that MTN’s network has been essential in maintaining seamless communication within the organization.

He further noted that internet access has been officially recognized as a human right, underscoring the need for universal connectivity to promote equality and opportunity.

He commended MTN’s critical role in delivering and upholding human rights, emphasizing the importance of the organization’s connectivity solutions for CANGO’s field workers.

Dlamini said individuals travel door-to-door, acting as counsellors and ensuring that individuals adhere to their antiretroviral therapy (ART) treatments, while also encouraging the uptake of other vital services such as Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP).

He highlighted that this life-saving work is made possible through the reliable network provided by MTN.
Moreover, he praised MTN’s mobile money platform for facilitating efficient payment transactions to field workers, resulting in reduced operational costs and increased financial accessibility to CANGO.

Dlamini further explained that internet connectivity has proven invaluable for business owners engaging in e-commerce, as it provides access to essential resources that people need in various aspects of life. Citing an example, he mentioned how clothing vendors use MTN’s data services for advertising and selling products, which helps these entrepreneurs support their families financially.

He then lauded MTN’s efforts in making data more affordable and accessible. He emphasized that data access and human rights are interconnected and should be considered as such.

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