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… Taiwan Ambassador pledges E400 000, FINCORP injects E300 000


MBABANE– Today, Junior Achievement marked the official launch of the Youth Business Shower concept.

The concept will provide the youth with access to seed capital for their businesses.

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Today marked the official launch of JA Eswatini’s new concept where young people will have more access to seed capital through the Youth Business Shower. 

This concept comes as mitigation to the high youth unemployment in the country. 

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Taiwan Ambassador Jeremy Liang pledged E400 000 towards the Business Shower with the anchor sponsor FINCORP also supporting the shower with E300 000. 

Speaking at the official launch the Ambassador said there is a great need to support the creation of self-employment opportunities for young emaSwati. 

“The Embassy is proud to invest at least E400,000 into the Youth Business Shower. This is part of the 2023 funding for JA Eswatini,” he said. 

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Also appreciated were FINCORP and EIPA for sponsoring the Youth Business Shower through Junior Achievement.

Speaking on behalf of JA Eswatini sponsors FINCORP GMD Dumisani Msibi said the empowering of youth through entrepreneurship will go a long way to creating new employers which is very critical in the economic stability of the country.

JA Eswatini Executive Director Phetsile Masilela took the attendants through how the Business Shower concept will be rolled out to the youth.  She encouraged all stakeholders to sponsor this activity and JA programs to improve the lives of Eswatini children and their future.

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