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MANZINIUmuntfu ungumuntfu ngebuve nemasiko akhe!

The above words can be loosely translated as, “A person’s identity is seen through his culture and tradition.” These words were uttered by Eswatini Film and Television Association Spokesperson Zakhele Mabuza.

He was confirming the cultural film exhibition that will be held at Julio’s Cinema in Manzini Lifestyle on tomorrow (Friday, May 24, 2024). The aim of the exhibition is educating the youth about the Eswatini arts and culture, while celebrating Africa Day.

It is worth mentioning that Africa Day is celebrated on May 25.

The event is free, and students can wear their traditional attire or school uniform. It is expected to start from 10am to 1pm. Film enthusiasts alike can immerse themselves in a diverse line-up of African films of umtsimba, sibhaca, sibhimbi, kubutseka, local drama, and traditional dance.

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According to Mabuza, who spoke to this publication yesterday (Wednesday, May 22, 2024) as the world continued to evolve, education remained a pivotal force in driving progress and prosperity. In Eswatini, where the population was rapidly growing, providing quality education had become more crucial than ever. Mabuza said it was within this context that they came up with the slogan: ‘Educate an African Fit for the 21st Century.’  “Our culture and traditions are important for raising the younger generation, as they help them to know who they are and to become responsible citizens,” Mabuza said.

The event is supported by the Eswatini National Film and Television Association in collaboration with the Eswatini National Council of Arts and Culture. Do not miss the opportunity to celebrate African cinema and connect with fellow film lovers at this special event.

Africa Day, according to Wikipedia, was adopted on 25 May, after most African states met on this day in 1963. At the time, Africa Day was known as the Africa Freedom Day. On this day, representatives of thirty African nations met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, hosted by Emperor Haile Selassie. By then more than two-thirds of the continent had achieved independence, mostly from imperial European states.

At this meeting, the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) was founded, with the initial aim to encourage the decolonisation of AngolaMozambiqueSouth Africa and Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). The organisation pledged to support the work conducted by freedom fighters, and remove military access to colonial nations. A charter was set out which sought to improve the living standards across member states. Selassie exclaimed, “May this convention of union last 1,000 years.”

The charter was signed by all attendees on 26 May, with the exception of Morocco. At that meeting, Africa Freedom Day was renamed Africa Liberation Day. In 2002, the OAU was replaced by the African Union (AU). However, the renamed celebration of Africa Day continues to be celebrated on 25 May in respect to the formation of the OAU.

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