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TAIWAN, TAIPEI – A student studying in Taiwan who was asked to pray when emaSwati met the king touched the king’s heart when he made reference to the Easter Services message that better days are coming in Eswatini.

Ndukwenhle Zwane, an engineering student majoring in artificial intelligence (AI), began by quoting Isiah 40:31, a scripture that promises to renew the strength of those who wait with hope in the Lord. “Like eagles, they will soar on their wings. They will run and not become weary. They will walk and will not grow tired,” it read.

He said this citation was inspired by His Majesty the King’s sermon during the Easter services, where he encouraged the nation to have faith, patience and trust in the Lord to bring better days for emaSwati.

Promise Msibi, the Ambassador to Taiwan, also shared a message from the scriptures, encouraging the students and emaSwati to have faith in God to answer the nation’s prayers for a brighter future. He shared the story of Abraham and the call to sacrifice his son, which he did without doubting the Lord.

He praised His Majesty’s leadership and for continuously giving hope to his people about what the future holds, saying indeed, better days are coming because the country respects and honours God.

The reference to the Easter service message touched His Majesty, who stated he was pleased that some people were living by it.

“We are happy to see there are many pastors here who have come through to share a word with us, and may God bless you all. I am pleased to hear that the message of faith in better days to come lives on. We hope this blessing may extend to others who need to obtain your numbers, if they haven’t already, so they can learn how to benefit from your faith,” he said.

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