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By Mbongeni Vilakati

MBABANE – The highly-anticipated Hhohho Regional Promotional Football Playoffs second leg match between Zibonele Vultures and Amawele will be played at Mkhuzweni Technical Centre on Sunday (May 26).

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Zibonele Vultures

Zibonele Vultures are host of the second leg match and they are going to the match trailing 0-1 after the defeat last Saturday at Prince of Wales Sports Ground. The game that will see the winner getting promotion to the MTN National First Division will kick-off at 2:30pm and it is E10 entrance fee for fans.

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In an effort to drum up support and create a spirited atmosphere at the match, Amawele has gone the extra mile to provide transportation for their fans. The club announced that supporters can join the team on a special bus, costing E120 for travel and excluding the gate ticket (E10).

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The bus will depart from Mbabane at 12pm, giving fans ample time to reach Mkhuzweni and cheer on their favourite team.

Meanwhile, Masundvwini Royal Swallows have gained promotion to NFD after being crowned Manzini Super League.

In the Shiselweni Regional Football Association (SRFA), All Nation and Nkomonye Cosmos are currently leading in their respective regional football zones with 38 points in the Southern Zone and 42 points in the Northern zone, respectively.

The Lubombo Super League is heating up as Magwanyana and Usuthu Liverpool are both fighting for the league’s glory and promotion. 

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